U.S. Sen. Ken Salazar is none too pleased with last week’s report by the Justice Department on security flaws at Supermax. He wrote a letter to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales today asking him to fix the problems.

The Bureau of Prisons took steps to limit high-risk inmates’ mail and telephone calls after convicted terrorists at Supermax, the federal maximum-security prison in Florence, Colo., were found to have written an estimated 90 letters between 2002 and 2004 to Islamic extremists. The letters later surfaced in the hands of a terror suspect who used them to recruit suicide operatives. Among other problems, Salazar pointed out in his letter, the bureau failed to read all of the mail from the highest-risk prisoners and monitored less than half the telephone calls made by Supermax prisoners on the “alert list,” which includes convicted terrorists.

Salazar is requesting Gonzales to provide him with a response detailing the corrective actions taken. The Rocky Mountain News and the Denver Post both have weighed in on the problem.