Now that Colorado has established itself as a blue, or at least purple state, with an incoming Democratic Governor and Democratic legislature, we may have a better shot at hosting the Democratic National Convention.

The two considerations are political message and logistics.

….the decision will primarily boil down to logistics and money, Howard Dean and other national Democratic Party officials said Thursday. “There might be some political message we want to send by where we send the convention, but by far the most important thing is that the convention be run right,” Dean, the party’s national chairman, said at a breakfast roundtable Thursday.

New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is lobbying Dean hard for Denver.

“The natural political advantage is Denver,” Richardson said. “It’s not just Denver and Colorado; it’s about the West.” Dean also joked that Richardson had been twisting his arm to get him to send the convention to Denver. “Did you see I only had one arm?” he said.

The decision could come within weeks.