As of tonight, Colorado’s four uncommitted superdelegates still haven’t made a choice between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama: Sen. Ken Salazar, Rep. John Salazar, Rep. Mark Udall and Gov. Bill Ritter.

Sen. Salazar attended a meeting with other Democratic senators today in Washington. The Rocky Mountain News reports:

Sen. Ken Salazar joined a small group of fellow undecided Democratic superdelegates on Capitol Hill today, but said they reached no agreement on whether to endorse a presidential candidate as a group.

The gathering created a major stir amid published reports that up to 15 previously uncommitted senators were on the verge of giving a united endorsement to Democratic front-runner Sen. Barack Obama.

Salazar said he could make the case for either candidate. Others at the meeting included: Sens. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa; Ben Cardin, D-Md.; and Tom Carper, D-Del.

Salazar said he won’t decide before the primaries end and will probably meet with other Senators again before deciding:

Harkin said there would be another meeting with more uncommitted superdelegates on Wednesday. However, Harkin said he was not sure that the group would end up voting as a block.