Scott McInnis’ campaign to become the Republican candidate for governor in 2010 got off to a shaky start when questions swirled about his campaign fundraising methods. And the former 3rd District congressman just can’t seem to get a break in the blogs.

The latest ding comes from the left-leaning ColoradoPols, which writes that McInnis “blows his lid” in minute 4:30 of a videotaped interview with political reporter Charles Ashby, who recently wrote a must-read series of stories about the GOP’s bid to take back the governorship for the Rocky Mountain Independent. While ColoradoPols’ assessment is a bit sensationalized, McInnis is clearly agitated during a segment of the interview titled, “On Campaign Funds.”

Meanwhile, McInnis’ former employee, Josh Penry, a 33-year-old rising political star who served as the state Senate’s minority leader, also wants to take on Democrat Governor Bill Ritter.

“There are two frames: new versus old, Denver versus Washington,” nonpartisan Denver pollster Floyd Ciruli tells The Christian Science Monitor, adding that Penry is “having a fairly sophisticated rollout, and it looks to me like he could win the primary.”