Last week I took a look at how Twitter can help you find a job. This week I’m reviewing a tool that organizes all your social-media feeds into one platform: TweetDeck’s JobDeck.

JobDeck is a desktop client that organizes multiple feeds into columns, including your TwitJobSearch, job-search experts, and your many social networks, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and even MySpace.

Ideally, if you use all your social networks strategically, this could be a wealth of well-organized information from each of your groups. You can easily post an update to one or all of your accounts and organize your feeds to glean information quickly.

I’m not that organized, however, and the additional feature of updates popping into the upper right corner of my screen have quickly turned into a guilty-pleasure addiction. (My third-grade friend is snowed in! My boss just posted about an upcoming show he wants to see! There’s a job at a London library I should apply for!)

But JobDeck has inspired me to better organize my social networks, and it also lets me quickly review the messaging I’m putting out across my different platforms. (Perhaps Facebook Jennie can stand to type fewer post-drinking updates?)

Beyond that, I am continually impressed with its job-experts column. As each update appears, I find myself interested in nearly all the articles being touted. (How are you representing yourself in interviews? Is there a gap between your passions and your career?)

I think I’ll eventually have to manage my involvement with JobDeck (my productivity plummets), but having national job experts and listings mixed in with my local social networking and job opportunities gives me a one-stop shop in which to manage it all.