In the art world, as in many places, experimentation breeds innovation. So it was for Salida-based artists Carl Bork and Brice Turnbull who, late last year, decided to explore what would happen if they combined Turnbull’s glasswork with Bork’s nascent foray into abstract painting. The result was “Source” (pictured above), a dynamic and seamless blend of mediums.

The duo’s work usually starts with a glass creation by Turnbull, which is bolted onto canvas. Bork then paints around it. Once dry, a hole is cut in the back of the canvas and fitted with a light kit, which glows through the glass when turned on. See the result in person when the pair’s newest collection is exhibited during the Salida Art Walk (June 26 to 28) at Bork’s gallery (149 W. First St.).


Daliah Singer
Daliah Singer
Daliah Singer is an award-winning writer and editor based in Denver. You can find more of her work at