Only 43.4 percent of Centennial Staters were born in Colorado. So where are the other 56.6 percent coming from? We take a look at the top five states from which people are moving here—and make some educated guesses about what’s going to irritate them most about life in the Mile High City. (Note: The numbers represent people that moved to Colorado from that state in 2014.)

1. California – 24,506

Culture shock: Our laissez-faire approach to driving. No, that car in front of you probably isn’t going to go any faster. And, yes, that driver will suddenly swerve into your lane when he realizes at the last second he is going to miss his turn.

2. Texas – 24,431

Culture shock: Driving in the snow. Here’s a tip: Don’t brake or accelerate too quickly—and please purchase all-season tires.

3. Arizona – 12,304

Culture shock: The constantly changing weather (see “Talking Points” at left). Then again, consistent 100-or-more-degree days for the duration of the summer ain’t that fun either.

4. New York – 9,519

Culture shock: The dearth of delectable late-night food—or any late-night food, really. Lots of mile-high restaurants close at 10 p.m. on weekdays, and many aren’t open much later on the weekends.

5. Florida – 9,304

Culture shock: Being judged for not wearing sunblock. Hello, we’re 5,280 feet closer to the sun!

Daliah Singer
Daliah Singer
Daliah Singer is an award-winning writer and editor based in Denver. You can find more of her work at