Howard Dean wants it. Iowa Governor Tom Vilsak wants it. Now, former Denver Mayor Wellington Webb may throw his hat in the ring. The prize? Chairing the Democratic National Committee.

Webb wouldn’t be the first Coloradan to get the job. Former Governor Roy Romer once held the position. Former Webb aide Mike Dino says that Jesse Jackson and Barak Obama have urged Webb to run. (Jackson, however, is on record as supporting Dean.) Mark Udall thinks Webb would make a great choice. Yet, Webb has some critics. Some think of him as a has-been. Others think his “slow speaking style and reserved personality” are a hindrance.

The real issue is whether the Dems who make the decision think he can do the job.

Webb must convince his fellow partisans that he can raise the hundreds of millions of dollars required for Democrats to take back several governor’s offices, congressional seats and the presidency in 2008.

The decision makers are these 440 people. Lobbying for the job is mostly done by personal telephone calls, faxes and e-mails. If you want to participate, Smart Campaigns has the details, including this list of DNC members with contact information.

The election isn’t until February, so we can expect the tide to turn a few times between now and then — but it will be interesting to see whether our former Mayor becomes a serious contender.