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5280 Print Ad Specifications

Ad Submissions

Please submit all camera-ready ads as flattened high resolution PDFs without spot colors to Please clearly mark your file with the advertiser’s name (not the designer’s name, design studio, or advertising agency name). Also, please indicate the month the ad is to run and which publication (5280 or 5280 Health).

For question or problems, please email

Ad Dimensions

General Advertising Specifications

In keeping with industry standards regarding digital ad delivery, 5280 Publishing is now promoting PDF/X-1a as the preferred submission format for all advertising files.We strongly encourage all advertisers to become familiar with the PDF/X standard. It is widely accepted and extremely reliable. For more information regarding this file format and a list of software vendors and service bureaus that support them, visit or


  • PDF/x-1a file uploaded via secure upload form (see above). Only one ad per file.
  • All high-resolution images and fonts must be included when the PDF/X-1a file is saved.
  • Only use Type 1 Fonts—No TrueType fonts or font substitutions.
  • Images must be SWOP (CMYK or Grayscale) TIFF or EPS 300 dpi or greater.
  • Total area density should not exceed SWOP 300% TAC.
  • NO RGB or JPEG images. Do not nest EPS files into other EPS files. Do not embed ICC profiles within images.
  • All required trapping must be included in the file(s).

Proofs & Spot Colors

Contact your account executive if you require Pantone (PMS) inks. Otherwise, all submissions must have process color throughout. In the absence of SWOP certified proofs, 5280 is not responsible for the color reproduction. Rich 4-color blacks must have a combined ink density of no more than 300 percent.

Design Services & Fees

Design services are included with every advertisement purchased for inclusion in any 5280 publication. Our design staff will create a unique ad to your requirements and proof up to 3 times for each insertion. However, because design costs are built into 5280 rates, advertisers who require 5280-designed artwork to be released to other publications will be charged for the design services. Fees are dependent on the size and complexity of each ad, but a general price structure is as follows:

For any 5280-designed ad, after three proofs are delivered, each proof thereafter will be subject to a $75 excessive proof fee.
Finished ad materials submitted after deadline are subject to a $75 late fee.
Any 5280-designed advertisement supplied to clients or other publications as a PDF are subject to a $250 fee.
A glossy print used for proofing colors, sizing, and design may be requested for $35. Additional delivery fees may apply.
Any ad not provided per our camera-ready specifications will be subject to a $250 alteration fee. This fee will also apply to changes made to 5280-designed ads that are submitted to other publications in PDF format.
Any two-third page ad or larger 5280 designed advertisement used outside 5280 or its related publications will be subject to a $1,000 design fee. Any half page or smaller will be subject to a $500 fee. 5280 will release native files.
To agencies—ANY disc intervention required by 5280 or its printer will result in charges to the advertiser. Charges will also be given for scans (4c or BW), digital proofs, and photography fees. $150/day is charged to the advertiser if artwork is not received by the drop-dead date. Contact your account executive for additional details.

Gross versus. Net

Rates quoted are gross. Recognized advertising agencies are eligible for a 15 percent commission. No commission on production charges or late fees. Commission is forfeited in the event of unfulfilled contracts or accounts 75 days past due.

Premium Positions

Back cover available at earned frequency rate, plus 25 percent. Inside covers available at earned rate, plus 20 percent. All other guaranteed positions available at earned rate plus 10 percent. Orders specifying a position for which a premium has not been paid are accepted only on a request basis, with the publisher retaining the right to determine actual position. If a request cannot be honored, the advertiser will not be billed for the position premium but remains liable for the balance of the order. Specific premium positions may not be purchased by a single advertiser more than four times in a calendar year.

Credit Terms

New 5280 advertisers are required to prepay for their first insertion. Full payment is due with ad materials. Credit cards accepted. Subsequent insertions will be billed upon publication.

Additional Terms

Additional terms and policies are spelled out in 5280’s standard insertion order, which must be signed prior to placement of advertising. Contact your account executive for additional details.