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It was cold this weekend. I rarely left my house. But 500 souls braved the elements to travel to Colorado Springs to protest Dr. James Dobson and his organization, Family Focus at the organization’s campus.
The protesters gathered in front of the Focus on the Family campus, holding rainbow flags, multicolored balloons and signs reading “God Loves Justice” and “Love Thy Neighbor.” An American Indian group played drums and some protesters sang “We Shall Overcome.”
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The protesters had a message for Dr. Dobson:
We are here to say, Jim, we love you enough to stop you from doing the damage you are doing to families across the nation,” said Mel White, executive director of Soulforce, a national interfaith organization that supports gay rights.
Focus’s response to the media was to insist it does not practice the politics of hate. Rather, it promoted organization’s belief that homosexuality violates Biblical scripture.
Somewhat shockingly, Focus then made this claim:
There are thousands of people who have left homosexuality, including some on our staff. To say that one is born that way obviously flies in the face of facts,” Minnery said.
Dobson, of course, was out of town and missed the whole thing. Update: The Denver Post reports that there were 800 protesters, while the Rocky Mountain News estimates the number at closer to 1,000.