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Tarotology doesn’t discriminate between people and publications: We’re all on a mysterious, cosmic journey of self-discovery, man. (Or something like that.) So this month, we at 5280 gathered around a conference table bedecked with gems and crystals and consulted the Denver creators of Fountain Tarot, a new tarot deck (out October 10) from Boulder publisher Roost Books, to discover how the magazine can better serve its readers. Here’s what the cards said—and what we think it means.
The Chariot VII
Card meaning: Harnessing Forces
Their reading: As 5280 produces content every month, it must harness the many forces—story ideas, photos, layouts—at play. One might guess that in the magazine’s history there were moments of failure or unresolved conflict.
Our interpretation: Past failure rings a bell. We put Tim Tebow on the cover in August 2010. And we included Mark Sanchez on the front of our 2016 Broncos preview issue. We’ll work on our QB instincts.

Seven of Cups
Card meaning: Lost In Choice
Their reading: The magazine has its hands in a lot of pots; don’t try to do too much. Make a choice, stay the course, and it will lead to a more favorable outcome.
Our interpretation: Twenty-five restaurants are enough for our annual list of top spots. That’s one place for every celebratory meal of the year (birthday, anniversary, etc.)—plus a few for those I-owe-you-one dinners.

Seven of Wands
Card meaning: Unshakable Determination
Their reading: This is a stand-your-ground card. Right now, from your vantage point, 5280 has the ability to stay on top and make smart choices. It’s leading.
Our interpretation: We know. 5280’s one of the top-selling city magazines in the country. (Number two, actually, but we’re coming for you, Washingtonian.)

Two of Cups
Card meaning: Cosmic Affinity
Their reading: 5280 is focused on its readers, but perhaps the magazine’s been putting its energy into areas that haven’t been resonating. As the city changes, so does 5280’s readership. To strengthen that relationship, work on achieving balance.
Our interpretation: Divide the magazine in half. Part 1: Natives Rule! Part 2: Welcome, Transplants!

Two of Swords
Card meaning: Inner Conflict
Their reading:There’s a conflict between 5280’s heart and mind. All’s well for now, but there’s a time coming soon when choices must be made. Determine 5280’s true passion and follow it.
Our interpretation: More stories about beer.