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With North Korea blasting six missiles Tuesday NORAD is on the job:
The North American Aerospace Defense Command was busy Tuesday following North Korea’s missile firings and the space shuttle launch in Florida. The joint U.S. and Canadian command monitors the skies for threats like missiles, aircraft and space objects from inside the Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station. “We continue to monitor the situation (in North Korea) and are looking for and will defeat any threat to the United States and its territory,” said Michael Kucharek, a spokesman for NORAD and the U.S. Northern Command.
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The missile launches were not unexpected, and NORAD has been on heightened alert for the past two weeks. I’m glad Colorado is doing its part to keep America safe. As for the missile that could have the reach of Alaska,
The long-range Taepodong-2 multi-stage missile apparently failed 40 seconds into its flight, U.S. officials said…..U.S. National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley said the multiple firings posed no threat to U.S. territory.