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If the 2010 election for U.S. Senate were held today, Former Lieutenant Governor Jane Norton, a Republican, would likely have the edge over Democratic Senator Michael Bennet. Moreover, Norton’s inner-party rivals, Weld County District Attorney Ken Buck and former state lawmaker Tom Wiens, would also have the edge over Bennet.
That’s according to a Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of 500 probable Colorado voters who give Norton a sizable lead over Bennet, the former Denver Public Schools chief appointed to the seat by Governor Bill Ritter in January after Ken Salazar left to become secretary of the Interior Department (via The Greeley Tribune).
Those polled prefer Norton over Bennet by nine points—46 percent to 37 percent, respectively. Bennet isn’t showing well against other Republicans, either, although the margin is too close to call: Buck leads Bennet by 42 to 38 percent and Wiens leads Bennet 42 to 41 percent.
Andrew Romanoff, the former speaker of the state House, also trails GOP candidates, according to The Huffington Post. And Denver Post columnist Susan Greene adds to recent criticisms of Romanoff’s campaign: “Andrew Romanoff promised a barn burner. I’ve seen barn burning. This isn’t it.”