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The Denver Host Committee may be cutting back on some planned parties during the Democratic National Convention, but corporations, unions, and other organizations are picking up the slack. Among those hosting big parties during convention week:
Coca-Cola, Xcel, Amgen, Teletech, JPMorgan, Solar Energy Industries Association, American Wind Energy Association, Wind Energy Institute, Service Employees International Union, Target, United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7, CH2MHill, Qwest, and [the law firm] Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck.
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Major event venues are the Denver Art Museum, Invesco Field, and Coors Field. Here’s a smattering of details:
CH2M Hill, based in Douglas County, is hosting a private opening event for several thousand clients, partners and others focused on sustainability Aug. 25 at Invesco Field. The event, which is to run from mid afternoon until 2 a.m., will feature Willie Nelson and Hazel Miller. ….The Denver Art Museum is booked for private events by Coca-Cola, JPMorgan, U.S. Bank and local law firm Brownstein, Hyatt, Farber, Schreck.
The Solar Energy Industries Association and Molson Coors have named their August 27 event at Coors Field “Sunfest. ” Between 3,000 and 5,000 are expected to attend. On August 25, Mayor Hickenlooper will co-host a party with the Wind Energy Industry group at the Wynkoop Brewing Co. Attendance is by invitation only, and 1,000 are expected. Some of the events will have a serious message:
[T]he United Food and Commercial Workers Local 7 event Aug. 25 at the Colorado History Museum…will include a panel on immigration issues and the premiere of a documentary about immigration raids at the Swift & Co. meatpacking plant in Greeley.
I hope someone books Cheech and Chong, who announced today they are reuniting after 25 years for a new comedy tour, “Hey, What’s That Smell?”