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News bureaus in Washington, including USA Today’s, are reporting that this morning President Barack Obama will select federal appeals court judge Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court–not Ken Salazar.
Over the weekend, Governor Bill Ritter, joined by U.S. senators Mark Udall and Michael Bennet–all Democrats–asked Obama to “seriously consider” fellow Coloradan and Interior Secretary Salazar for the appointment, writes The Denver Post. It’s unclear if Obama considered Salazar, a former state attorney general and U.S. senator whose name had come up as a possibility in recent weeks.
But Salazar himself appeared content with his current job, telling “Today Show” host Matt Lauer earlier this month that he’s “enjoying what I’m doing every day” (via 7News). Lauer asked Salazar “Is that a no?” for seeking a seat on the Supreme Court, and Salazar responded, “That’s a no,” according to this video of the interview.
For more background on Salazar, read 5280’s profile, “No Más Mustache.” As for Sotomayor, if confirmed, the 54-year-old and graduate of Yale Law School would be the first Hispanic and third woman ever to serve on the court.