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Ninety-year-old Maurice “Maury” Albertson, a founder of the Peace Corps and a Colorado State University professor, died over the weekend, following a brief stay at a hospice wing in a Fort Collins health center. That’s according to several news sources, including the Northern Colorado Business Report, which notes that as recently as December, Albertson joined his friend Ed Shinn in Indonesia for an educational mission–the kind of work that was close to his heart.
The Fort Collins Coloradoannotes Albertson’s work with Village Earth, a nonprofit he founded that focuses on the idea of sustainable village development. In 2006, CSU bestowed an honorary doctorate of humane letters to Albertson.
A memorial service is expected to be held in February, and Albertson’s wife, Audrey, and daughter, Kay, will announce details of a Celebration of Life in coming weeks. In other Peace Corps-related news, the University of Colorado at Boulder is ranked second in terms of 2009 Peace Corps volunteers and the fifth all-time producer of volunteers.