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Music Fests Down but Hardly Out: You’re not alone in your disappointment over the cancellation of the Mile High Music Festival, but maybe the freshly announced headliners for this year’s Westword Music Showcase will lift your spirits.
Not So Elementary: Like the brilliant but all-too-human Jeopardy contestants before him, Colorado Democratic Congressman Jared Polis matched wits with IBM’s “Watson” during an exhibition match yesterday and lost. But in a surprise upset, New Jersey Representative Rush Holt, a nuclear physicist and five-time Jeopardy champ from several decades ago, one-upped the supercomputer (Daily Camera).
An X-tention for Aspen?: ESPN’s Winter X Games bring more than 100,000 people to the Aspen/Buttermilk area annually and expose the mountain town to more than 39 million television viewers, but the Aspen Skiing Company’s contract is up and other resorts want in on the action (Aspen Times).
Cold Air: Vestas, the wind-energy company touted for bringing a host of new jobs to Colorado, is suing a former financial manager at its Windsor plant, along with her husband, for funneling $1 million in company funds into their own pockets for automobiles, plane tickets, furniture, and other goods (Associated Press).
Robbed in OT: The Avs managed to take the San Jose Sharks into overtime at 1-1 last night in their first game after the NHL trade deadline. They get props on defense but still lost in a shootout (via Mile High Hockey).
Dogged Days: Duane “Dog” Chapman, the Denver-bred bounty hunter who was last in Colorado to throw his support behind Tom Tancredo’s gubernatorial campaign, is being sued in Colorado Springs, along with local bail bondsman Bobby Brown and a television crew, by a man who was wanted in a domestic violence case (Gazette).