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A long-time newspaperman and columnist for Editor & Publisher, the trade magazine that covers the newspaper industry, has decided it no longer makes sense to pay for a subscription to his hometown paper, the Boulder Daily Camera.
What put [us] over the edge…was the most recent bill from the local paper. It included a significant price hike, just as we were noticing the paper and its coverage get thinner and thinner. Pay a lot more and get less? If we needed something to push us over the edge and cancel print delivery, the extra 15 cents a day (about $53 a year, bringing the annual bill to a bit under $200) was it. No, that’s not a lot of money, and if we truly wanted to continue getting print delivery, we’d have paid it. But for a product that increasingly is less useful in light of online alternatives, there was no motivation to accept the price hike.
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When is the newspaper industry going to figure out that less is not more? Less is less.