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10 of Colorado’s Best Hot Springs to Visit in the Winter
By Lily Capstick | January 2020

Our scorching hot picks for a day or weekend-long vacation full of mineral springs, geothermal pools, breathtaking views, and the heat of volcanic rock.
Does Colorado or Utah Have Better Snow?
By Shauna Farnell | January 2020

Coloradans love to tout the state’s supremacy in all things skiing and winter recreation, but can we really make the argument that we have better snow than our neighbor to the west? Here’s what the experts say.
How to Car Camp Near Colorado Ski Areas
By Mitch Breton | February 2020

If you’re roughing it in a van, it might be tough to find somewhere to spend the night. You also might be cold. And wet. And hungry. Here’s a little advice on how to be a better winter nomad.
Your Guide to Outdoor Recreating During Social Distancing
By Madi Skahill | March 2020

Everything you need to know about adventuring in a time of pandemic—for the time being, anyways.
7 Denver Metro Area Hikes to Tackle While Practicing Social Distancing
By Logan Abbott and Terri Cook | April 2020

Going stir crazy? Here are some of our favorite (and a little less crowded) trails to check out while staying local.
People Are “Everesting” Mountains in Colorado. It Sounds Epic and Exhausting
By Jenny McCoy | July 2020

The challenge involves biking or running repeats on the same hill until you’ve climbed 29,029 total feet.
16 Amazing Front Range Hikes
By Daliah Singer | August 2020

No matter where you live in the Denver-Boulder-Fort Collins-Colorado Springs metroplex, there’s bound to be a trail nearby. Here, more than a dozen close-to-home treks that will get you outside without having to travel too far.
Off the Beaten Path: 7 Socially Distanced Trails to Hike This Fall
By Sarah Lamagna | September 2020

Fall just might be Colorado’s best hiking season—just ask the crowds who will hit the trails in search of foliage. Find some solitude (and social distance) at these under-appreciated hikes.
When and Where to Peep Colorado’s Leaves This Season
By Katie Coakley | September 2020

The unexpected winter weather may dampen our autumn colors this year, but if you’re willing to drive, there’s still plenty of leaf peeping (and adventuring) to be done.
Colorado’s 2020–21 Ski Season Will Look A Bit Different
By Shauna Farnell | September 2020

Reservation systems, parking limits, and more. Here’s what we know so far about Colorado’s upcoming ski season.