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A Denver Post poll released Sunday shows Bill Ritter with a 15 point lead over Bob Beauprez, with 11% of voters still undecided.
The poll found Ritter leading Beauprez in Republican strongholds. It said 40 percent of those polled had an unfavorable view of Beauprez, compared with 32 percent who had a favorable view. Forty-six percent had a favorable view of Ritter, compared to 23 percent with a negative view.
One year of 5280 for justSubscribe today »$19.95$12. That’s only $1 per issue!Ritter led Beauprez on issues such as how to handle the economy, environment and regulation of energy development. On immigration, the two were essentially tied.
We’re 30 days out from the election. How will Bob Beauprez fight back? Get ready for some more attack ads. But will they work or backfire?
I think Beauprez will be making a mistake by going negative. He hasn’t shown voters he’s the better choice. His campaign never got any real traction. He’s still an unknown quantity to many in Colorado, despite his having served in Congress.
I don’t agree that immigration is the single most important issue in Colorado. I think the economy, the environment and a desire for leaders who possess personal integrity are the issues driving voters this year. A lot may depend on whether voters want change or business as usual.
If Beauprez were smart, he’d create ads focusing on his own strengths that appeal to his business base. But politicians aren’t always smart, especially when they are running from behind.