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The Rocky Mountain News has several reactions to Interior Secretary Gale Norton’s resignation. Could any be more disparate than these?
Carl Pope Sierra Club executive director:
One year of 5280 for justSubscribe today »$19.95$12. That’s only $1 per issue!“As Interior secretary, Gale Norton was an unpopular symbol of unpopular policies. Americans do not believe their public lands should be sold to the highest bidder, and they don’t believe in privatizing their parks, forests, monuments. While the symbol of those unpopular policies may be leaving, we don’t expect those unpopular policies to change.”
Rep. Marilyn Musgrave R-Fort Morgan:
“As the first woman secretary of the Interior, my friend Gale Norton will be leaving behind a legacy of balanced conservation, improved land management and respect for private property rights.”
Here’s a detailed news article about Ms. Norton’s legacy, and another in which she denies that the Abramoff corruption scandal had anything to do with her resignation.
Best headline: The front page of today’s Rocky Mountain News, print edition only, “Norton Quits, Heads for the Hills.”