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State labor officials could decide as early as today whether to allow Regional Transportation District workers to go on strike before the contract between the district and its union workers is set to expire. But RTD workers don’t seem to want a strike, according to several news sources, including CBS4, which notes the workers’ union filed a “notice of intent” to strike. Blind riders, and other residents with disabilities who rely on RTD buses and light rail, packed a state labor hearing yesterday to argue that the state should prevent a strike because it would not only disrupt their lives but could even threaten their safety, according to The Denver Post. It was unclear whether the state would buy the argument. After all, the hearing wasn’t exactly straightforward, as the Rocky Mountain News points out. The union, in what seems to be a stroke of brilliant political and legal wrangling, really wanted labor officials to deny its request for a strike. Meanwhile, RTD wanted the state to grant it. “The reason for the seemingly contradictory requests is binding arbitration, the union’s real goal,” the Rocky writes. In other words, workers don’t seem to want to strike and RTD seems to be calling the bluff.