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This is quite a feat. A handcuffed man, sitting in the back of a patrol car in Phillips County, Colorado, managed to shoot himself in the face with a gun.
The incident began after the man walked away from a Yuma County hospital where he had been taken for detox. The man allegedly stole some hospital equipment and a car when he left the facility about 4:30 a.m., said Urbach. A few hours later, he said, police in Holyoke received a tip that the man was visiting some friends in town. About 8:15 a.m. Sunday, an officer picked up the man without incident, handcuffing his hands behind his back and placing him in the back of a patrol car. The officer drove the few blocks to the Phillips County Sheriff’s Office and was parking when he heard a gunshot from the back of the car, Urbach said. When the officer turned around, he saw that the man had shot himself in the face.
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How many questions can you think of?
- Why wasn’t he patted down before being put in the car?
- How does a man whose hands are handcuffed behind him get his hands on a gun and shoot it without going through contortions that should be noticeable to the officer driving the patrol car.
- Was it the arrested man’s gun or was a gun left lying on the back seat of the car?
- Did the man really shoot himself or did someone else shoot him by accident and make up this story as a coverup?
The arrested man is alive and in the hospital. There’s got to be more to this story. Stay tuned.