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Jury selection began yesterday in the murder trial of Timothy J. Boham, a former gay-porn actor who is accused of shooting a Denver businessman to death during a robbery in November of 2006. Boham, 27, sought to extract tens of thousands of dollars from John Kelso, 43, in Kelso’s Congress Park home and then fled. He was later arrested at a United States-Mexico border crossing in Arizona, according to 7News. Boham, who appeared in pornographic films as Marcus Allen earlier this decade, told investigators he resorted to theft because his girlfriend was pregnant and he needed the cash (via a 2007 Rocky Mountain News article), but escaped Kelso’s residence only with jewelry and other items. Colorado OutSpoken, which airs on public television, explored the case after Boham’s arrest, quoting Boham’s mother and his legal advocate as saying the media had sensationalized his case.