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Most Colorado parks have fire bans, but if you’re in a desperate situation, you may have no choice. Use a Bic lighter, strike-anywhere matches, or old-school flint and steel.
Lighter or matches at hand, dig a shallow hole and surround it with rocks to prevent the fire from spreading.
One year of 5280 for justSubscribe today »$19.95$12. That’s only $1 per issue!Gather tinder (dead grass, pine needles, paper), kindling (small dead twigs, dry bark), and fuel (larger dead branches or logs).
Place the tinder in the hole; don’t compact it too tightly since oxygen needs to be able to circulate.
Light the tinder. Slowly set up the small twigs like a tepee around it, and gradually increase the size of the branches.
Once you have a decent-size fire, go collect more wood.