Mangia Bevi Cafe Italian 6363 S. Fiddler's Green CircleGreenwood Village, CO Meals: Breakfast, Lunch Hours: Cost: $ Reservations: Accepted Snack on sweet potato fries or pizza at this Italian cafe. There is an atmosphere to please everyone, grab a seat at the bar and see the kitchen, or watch TV while you dine, or sit in a comfy chair by the fireplace. Best of Eat and Drink 12 Things to Eat (and Drink) at Coors Field Brittany Anas Behind the Late-Night Shift at Denver’s Last 24-Hour Diner Fiona Murphy 25 of Denver’s Best Coffeeshops Callie Sumlin The 25 Best Restaurants in Denver This Year Ethan Pan & Patricia Kaowthumrong Sign up for our newsletters. All things Colorado delivered straight to your inbox. Sign Up ›